Friday, November 30, 2007

I think Coffeehouse Northwest must put something "funny" in their americano's. Seriously, though: sometimes combining spontaneity, intuition, and a pair of legs can result in unexpected satisfaction. That's how last Monday evening went for me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The late afternoon sun yesterday was... is there even a word for it?
It was bitterly cold and the light was sharp and generous, even as the night air gathered in the shadows. These are just the first photos that jumped out at me tonight.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Isn't it nice how this poster invites conversation?

And... a couple of post-espresso perspectives on upper Fremont.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sometimes I wonder about those big dairy tanks down in southeast. Will they continue to molder away through the ages, long after the poles and wires have disappeared? Or will they just get torn down for condos after the next MAX line goes in?

Monday, November 05, 2007

Molotovs, baby dinosaurs, and other signs and symbols noticed recently in my ongoing semiological study of Homo Sapiens Portlandialithicus.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Yes, a few weeks ago I actually woke up at 5 in the morning and, for the sake of photography, drove my roommate's car up to the Pittock Mansion (same vantage point as most of the previous full moon post) pre-sunrise. Unfortunately, the sun rose over the mountains just as I was setting up my camera... so, I'll have to try that again sometime.

Still, a good crisp morning for walking around the mansion and the Wildwood Trail in Forest Park.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

A luminous full moon last month.

If you look closely you can just make out the outline of Mt Hood against the horizon in the second photo.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Random recent photos, part 2

PS Please remember to vote YES on measures 49 and 50.